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This Station:
Social-Emotional Competence

Social-Emotional Competence

☆ Start  啟動社交 – 基本社交互動技巧

如:微笑 、眼神接觸 、聆聽、接近別人技巧

☆ Maintenance 維繫方式/ 技巧

如:分享、輪流 、跟隨規則、合作

☆ Friendship 建立友誼

如: 如何表示友好、作決定時加入別人意見 、記著別人的喜惡、權衡輕重

☆ Communication 溝通技巧

如:促進對話、身體語言 、收發情感提示

☆ Emotion 情感及同理心


☆ Conflict  解決紛爭


☆ Executive Function 執行功能

Working memory 工作記憶、 Cognitive / Mental flexibility 認知轉換 (靈活性) 、 Inhibitory control 抑制性控制

Building the Brain's “Air Traffic Control” System: How Early Experiences Shape the Development of Executive Function

☆ Environment 與環境互動

適應動態環境,具備 洞察力(接收)、


Nature of Interactive Games

Play with rules,

Work with rules.



Masters, Wallace, & Harwood (2011). Personality development for life and work  (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Whitley, M. D. (2001). Bright minds, poor grades: Understanding and motivating your underachieving child. New York: Perigee.

Try Now

Playing interactive games is so magical! Let's play right away!
We can start playing with children from games we know how to play
These games can be as simple as "Rock Paper Scissors", your childhood games, classic games, or typical board games, like memory game cards
It works as long as you are confident in playing the game

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Reverse words

Focus Language Reaction

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Fruit Squat!

Imagination Focus Reaction

Play a familiar game with children
Look at each other and laugh with children
Childlike heart and fun = Start to play successfully

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I can do it!

Took the first step and started playing games

We all had fun playing together

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Welcome to upload video clips of playing games with children in less than one minute (for those who are interested). Our Play Education experts will give feedback.

The video will not be published/used without consent, and will be deleted within 2 months after giving feedback

Upload Clips

Next Station:
Social Start Mirror Model

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